Revolutionize Hair Restoration

The ARTAS iX system offers exceptional benefits to patients who need hair follicle transplants to resolve hair loss, including:

  • Virtually pain-free.
  • Identifies and selects the most viable hair follicles for harvest and transplantation.
  • Hair follicles are robotically harvested with a higher survival rate.
  • Robotic recipient site creation – avoids harming surrounding hair follicles.
  • Fast recovery.
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A Younger-Looking You with ARTAS

More traditional hair transplant techniques could not come close to what can be accomplished with the ARTAS system. Rather than a long, grueling experience and results that may (or may not) be as you envisioned, the ARTAS system creates a look that appears exceptionally natural – with the use of specially developed algorithms to map follicle placement – which is then accomplished with physician-assisted robotics. If you are tired of looking older than you feel and dream of once again having a youthful hairline or no longer living with balding areas, the ARTAS system delivers superior results.

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What is the ARTAS iX Robot?

Dr. Wolfeld discussing the ARTAS system

A Younger-Looking You with ARTAS

More traditional hair transplant techniques could not come close to what can be accomplished with the ARTAS system.

Rather than a long, grueling experience and results that may (or may not) be as you envisioned, the ARTAS system creates a look that appears exceptionally natural – with the use of specially developed algorithms to map follicle placement – which is then accomplished with physician-assisted robotics.

If you are tired of looking older than you feel and dream of once again having a youthful hairline or no longer living with balding areas, the ARTAS system delivers superior results.

Why Choose Dr. Wolfeld for Hair Restoration?

NYC hair replacement specialist Dr. Wolfeld offers his patients experience above and beyond the ordinary. He is both a board-certified plastic surgeon and a hair restoration specialist – the first one in the USA. His extensive experience with aesthetics allows him to approach hair restoration with an artist’s eye. Beyond his credentials and experience, he is fully dedicated to providing his patients with effective hair restoration treatments, including the ARTAS iX – schedule a consultation and meet with Dr. Wolfeld if you are suffering from hair loss.

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Why Choose the ARTAS iX for Your Hair Restoration?

It is a depressing situation to see your hair thinning, bald patches appear, and see yourself looking older and less vital – simply due to hair loss. Take advantage of the ARTAS system for a fully natural hair restoration. The results of the ARTAS iX are unsurpassed in quality and appearance. With Dr. Wolfeld's education and experience, he offers arguably the best results in hair replacement NYC has to offer.

Am I a Candidate for the ARTAS iX Treatment?

If you have a receding hairline, balding areas, or thinning hair, you deserve to find out about the world’s most advanced robotic hair restoration system, the ARTAS iX. This system delivers exceptionally natural-looking results for hairline restoration or restoring hair in balding areas. Appropriate for patients with black or brown straight hair, this physician-assisted robotic transplant device selects the optimum follicles for transplant, harvests them, and transplants them in a pattern that appears fully natural.

Dr. Wolfeld discussing hair restoration

Cameron Hamilton's ARTAS iX Hair Restoration Journey with Dr. Wolfeld

Bryan's hair loss journey video

CEO Bryan Johnson's Hair Loss Journey - Plastic Surgeon Reviews

Artificial Intelligence With the ARTAS System

The ARTAS system is a hair transplant technology that uses artificial intelligence to assist in the hair restoration process. It is designed to provide accurate and consistent results, giving patients a natural-looking head of hair. Dr. Wolfeld utilizes the ARTAS system in his advanced hair transplant procedures.

The system uses advanced algorithms to identify and extract individual hair follicles from the donor area. It then maps out the recipient area and creates a personalized plan for the implantation of each follicle. The ARTAS system is also equipped with real-time optical guidance, which allows it to make precise and accurate incisions for each follicle.

One of the benefits of using the ARTAS system is that it minimizes the risk of human error. With the use of advanced algorithms and real-time guidance, the system can perform the hair restoration process with a high degree of accuracy and consistency. Another advantage of the ARTAS system is that it can significantly reduce the time required for the hair transplant procedure. The system is designed to work quickly and efficiently, allowing patients to undergo the procedure in a shorter amount of time.

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treatment room

When Technology and Aesthetics Meet: ARTAS

The ARTAS iX system combines robotics and artificial intelligence to deliver very precise, minimally invasive hair restoration. With the ARTAS algorithms and robotic features, true hair restoration can be achieved in less time and more precisely. The system outstrips every other treatment available in accuracy, results, and aesthetics—and is far easier on you.

The Artas iX hair transplant robot’s sharp-blunt punch mechanism!

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Hair Restoration Technology at its Best: ARTAS iX

Men are particularly likely to lose their hair and be left with a receding hairline or balding. While regenerative treatments, such as PRP, are effective, once balding has occurred, hair transplantation will be necessary.

Earlier hair transplant techniques involved removing a strip of scalp from the back of the head, where the follicles are not genetically programmed for hair loss, carefully extracting each follicle, and then transplanting them, one by one, in the balding area.

While this treatment was workable, it had an obvious look – this is not the case with hair restoration with the ARTAS iX system. Your newly restored hairline will look completely natural – no row by row of transplanted hairs.

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Benefits of Hair Restoration with the ARTAS iX System

The ARTAS iX system uses advanced technology to create the most natural hair restoration possible.

  • The ARTAS iX system is guided by proprietary algorithms to intelligently select the optimum follicles from the donor area, harvesting them robotically and leaving no linear scar.
  • The physician-assisted robotic feature has the added benefit of protecting your existing, healthy hair follicles in both the donor site and the implantation sites for a more natural appearance.
  • Your hair design is not left to chance – with the ARTAS Hair Studio, a 3D image of you allows you to see various designs so you can select the perfect look for your facial structure. The recipient sites are digitally mapped, and the follicles implanted in a pattern that appears fully natural, guided by the design you have selected.
  • FDA-cleared, safe, and faster than traditional hair restoration techniques, ARTAS is the gold standard in natural-looking hair restoration.


Am I a candidate for ARTAS?

What is the difference between ARTAS and NeoGraft?

What can I expect during the ARTAS treatment?

What is recovery like after ARTAS treatment?

When will I see results after ARTAS?

Are the results permanent?

Am I a candidate for ARTAS?

The minimally-invasive nature of the ARTAS system means most men can be candidates for hair restoration. If you are experiencing male-patterned baldness and are ready to do something about it, consider ARTAS hair replacement. The ARTAS robot is ideal for men who prefer short hair and do not want a visible linear scar associated with traditional hair restoration. You can undergo treatment as early as your twenties, but only after your hair loss has stabilized. Your results will not be ideal if your hairline continues to change after your treatment.

What is the difference between ARTAS and NeoGraft?

ARTAS and NeoGraft are both minimally-invasive methods for hair transplants that utilize FUE, or follicular unit excision. The FUE method allows for faster recovery and reduced scarring without the use of a linear harvest site. However, a few primary differences may demonstrate which system is right for you. The NeoGraft device is handheld and controlled by the surgeon, which can leave room for human error. The procedure can take many hours to complete based on the number of grafts needed. The ARTAS device is computer-aided, which means the device can analyze your scalp, harvest the follicles, and place them without human error. The results are more consistent and precise than other methods, and the robotic device can complete treatment in much less time. The size of the follicular units can also be customized based on your unique situation. ARTAS robotic hair restoration is the most modern approach to hair transplants, with consistent, natural results to match.

What can I expect during the ARTAS treatment?

The innovative, robotic ARTAS device is one of the quickest and easiest methods for hair restoration available today. The hair restoration procedure is typically painless, but a topical anesthetic will be applied to the donor area to make you more comfortable. The computer-aided device removes the ideal follicular units from the donor site and accurately places them in the recipient site in a natural way that mimics your current healthy hair follicles.

What is recovery like after ARTAS treatment?

Perhaps one of the best aspects of the ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure is the reduced recovery time. The recovery is dramatically reduced with this advanced hair replacement system — the tiny “punches” where follicles have been harvested heals within a few days. You can gently wash your hair the next day, and you can wash your hair as usual in about five days.

When will I see results after ARTAS?

The ARTAS system delivers natural, long-lasting results. You will see noticeable growth within three months of the procedure, with substantial growth continuing for up to a year. Your new hair growth will integrate perfectly with your existing hair for seamless results.

Are the results permanent?

The hair transplant procedure utilizes healthy hair follicles from the donor site, usually the back of the head, to revitalize the look of your hairline. Because the follicles come from an area of healthy growth that hasn’t been affected by male pattern baldness, the results can last for decades to come.

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